These physical books can be purchased from me by clicking on the Buy Now PayPal button or by sending a check, cash or money order to Dan Scanlan, 15155 Skaith Bend Rd., Nevada City CA 95959 USA. “How to Play Ukulele” can also be purchased from Amazon and other on-line and brick and mortar stores. Click on the How to Play Ukulele book to buy it on Amazon (The cheapest way to acquire it). I will sign books on request at no charge. Purchases from me are mailed free in US.

 204 page book of songs by Dan Scanlan


First press run of 204 pages, February 2021

131 songs with lyrics, ukulele chord diagrams, melodies and a comment or two on each song. 


$20 including Priority Mail in US

US Mail:    send $20 check, cash or money order to

Dan Scanlan, 15155 Skaith Bend Rd., Nevada City CA 95959

Or use the Buy Now PayPal or Let’s Talk button.

Ukulele method book published by Simon & Schuster, written by Dan Scanlan

Amazon often changes the price on this book and it usually has the best price, one I can’t beat. But I can sign your copy to help justify the $20 I have to charge to make it work. Click “Let’s Talk” if you wish to explore that option. 

176 pages on how to play: rhythm, melody, harmony, tuning, care, clear music theory, songs to play. 

Published by Simon & Schuster imprint Adams Media.

This is good for the ukulele, of course, but has a broader application to learn general information about chord structures, progressions, and other basics. Good book to have to expand your musical knowledge.” 

— Amazon buyer

Click here or on book to buy from Amazon

Interactive E-books for iPads and phones available only through Apple’s Books. Just click on the cover to go to the Apple store.

Videos of each signifcant ukulele chord arranged by root note.
Detailed history of the ukulele